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张平 (天津财经大学 经济学院,天津300222) 
中文关键词:财政透明度  财政预算  部门预算  预算公开
The Current Status of China's Public Financial Transparency and Its International Comparison
Abstract:Public financial transparency is an important quality aspect of public financial management. It is a way to promote efficiency, to guarantee the government and officials to take responsibility. It is greatly concerned by IMF, the World Bank and many western countries. Although the present situation in China has clearly improved, there is still a wide gap between the normative international practices and the practices in China. From the international perspective, combined with China's actual situation, recently improving public financial transparency can change the government's awareness, amend the relevant laws, strengthen budget preparation, improve governmental revenue and expenditure classification system, develop governmental accounting and governmental financial reporting system, build governmental financial management information system and other aspects.
keywords:Public financial transparency  Public financial budget  Departmental budget  Budget publicity
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