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喻凯 (中南大学 商学院湖南 长沙410083) 
中文关键词:终极产权性质  第一大股东  盈余质量
The Influences of the Ultimate Ownership and the Largest Shareholder on the Earnings Quality
Abstract:Appling the return earnings regression on the data of China's listed companies from 2007 to 2008 which have implemented the equity division reform before the end of 2006, the paper explores the influences of the ultimate ownership and the largest shareholder on the earnings quality. Our findings indicate that the equity of these firms are still relatively centralized-control; and when the firms' ultimate ownerships are belong to the state, their earnings quality are usually high; and the largest shareholding percentage has a significant positive correlation with the earnings quality; and the control power to the board of directors from the largest shareholder has positive influences on the earnings quality, while the control power others has no significant influence.
keywords:Ultimate ownership  The largest shareholder  Earnings quality
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