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刘斌 (重庆大学 经济与工商管理学院重庆400044) 
中文关键词:公允价值  会计稳健性  盈余价值相关性
The Influence of Accounting Conservatism on the Value Relevance of Earnings:Based on the Perspective of Fair Value
Abstract:Taking the listed Chinese companies from 2001~2008 as samples, this paper researches the impact of accounting conservatism on the value relevance of earnings in the perspective of fair value,It is found that accounting conservatism significantly reduces the value relevance of earnings but fair value can significantly weaken the negative influence from accounting conservatism to the value relevance of earnings. The study suggests that conservatism accounting policy does not imply high quality accounting reports. The moderate combination of fair value and accounting conservatism can offset the disadvantages of accounting conservatism, and improve the quality of accounting information.
keywords:Fair value  Accounting conservatism  Value relevance of earnings
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