摘要点击次数: 1971
全文下载次数: 172
何国华 (武汉大学 经济与管理学院,湖北 武汉430072) 
中文关键词:前景理论  货币政策非对称性  价值函数  风险偏好
Asymmetry of the Monetary Policy:Based on the Prospect Theory
Abstract:Using the prospect theory and its expansion, people behavioral choices and their changes in different monetary policies are studied. The result indicates that different income and marginal gains will spur people to adjust their pivot and weights, which will place the gross value function on different location (revenue and inflation also can affect the pivot and total value seriously), and then conduce people to take on different risk preference and adopt different measurement. All these thus will bring about the asymmetry of the monetary policy.
keywords:Prospect theory  Asymmetry of the monetary policy  Value function  Risk preference
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