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肖海军 (湖南大学 法学院 湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:营业准入  挤出效应  集聚效应  洼地效应  溢出效应
On Country Specific Effect about Business Access System
Abstract:The country specific effect of business access system is the reaction extent to international capital, transnational investment, international division of industry and labor and global trade to handle to the design, adjustment and changes of business access system in different countries. For example of international capital flow, it includes capital squeezed-out effect of restricted model nation and capital accumulative effect of open model nation from a static point of view; and it also includes investment depression effect of restricted model nation due to adjustment of business access system and capital overflowing effect of open model nation due to unchanging of business access system from a developing point of view. Therefore, it is important particularly to developing countries and nations which business access is restricted to adjust effectively and appropriately business access system, to choose freedom and open model of business access system in order to transform advantage of business access system into national competitive advantage and to enhance international competitiveness of these countries.
keywords:Business Access  Accumulative Effect  Squeezing-out Effect  Depression Effect  Overflowing Effect
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