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杨光 期货市场投资者行为与价格波动关系研究 
中文关键词:套期保值者  投机者  价格波动  向量自回归  期货市场
Relationship between Investors' Behavior and Price Fluctuation in Chinese Futures Market
Abstract:By obtaining data from Shanghai Futures Exchanges and using Vector Auto Regression method, we empirically verified the relationships between them. Our finding showed that, (1) the behavior of speculators in different futures would increase price fluctuation, while prominent Granger effects of hedgers' behavior on price fluctuation only occurred in some futures, (2) price fluctuation do not affect behavior of hedgers prominently, while effects of price fluctuation on speculators' behavior are contingent on measuring methods of price fluctuation. These findings are helpful for Chinese futures markets to improve structure of investors and promote futures markets' development theoretically and empirically.
keywords:Hedger  Speculator  Price fluctuation  Vector Auto Regression  Futures Market
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