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蒋卫平 (湖南大学 会计学院,湖南 长沙410079) 
中文关键词:公司治理  多元化投资  代理成本  企业价值
Corporate Governance and Diversification Investment: Empirical Evidences from Chinese Listed Companies
Abstract:The empirical research on listed companies in 2008 shows that: there is a strong negative correlation between the ownership concentration and the propensity of diversification; the percentage of state owned shares and corporation stocks is inversely related to the propensity of diversification, but the correlation is not very significant; the scale of the board, the percentage of independent directors as well as CEO duality and the shareholding of board is related to the propensity of diversification, but the correlation is not very significant; there is strong positive correlation between the number of board's meeting and diversification; the ratio of manager shareholdings is not significantly related to the propensity of diversification significantly; the debt ratio is positively related to the propensity of diversification.
keywords:Corporate governance  Diversification investment  Agency cost  Enterprise value
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