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刘万丽 (厦门大学 会计系福建 厦门361005) 
中文关键词:送转股  除权  股价
The Effect of Stock Dividend on Shareholders'Value :Evidences from Chinese Listed Companies
Abstract:Based on the mean comparison and test method, the paper firstly makes an empirical research on the stock prices change before and after ex dividend of Chinese listed companies through 2008 to 2009 and its influence on shareholders' value. The results show that: compared to the adjusted stock prices the day before ex dividend day, the stock prices decline monotonously faster in 2008; however, the stock prices rise in 2009, and are significantly higher than the price on the day before ex dividend day after 14th day; the stock prices within 20 days are higher than the year end stock price, which suggests that compared to the decision making based on the year end stock price, stock dividend policy does not reduce the stock prices, in fact, it increases the companies' total market value and shareholders' wealth.
keywords:Stock dividend  Ex dividend  Stock price
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