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杜鑫 (北京市社会科学院 管理研究所北京100101) 
中文关键词:劳动力转移  消费  投资
The Effects of Labor Shift on Consumption and Investment of Rural Households in China
Abstract:Participating in labor shift significantly improves the per capita living consumption and per capita housing expenditure of rural households in China, but has no effect on the per capita productive fixed asset investment. A comparative analysis between local non farm employment and migrant employment reaches the conclusion that the former employment increases the level of per capita living consumption and per capita housing expenditure of rural households, while the latter has no significant effects on the level of per capita living consumption and per capita housing expenditure of rural households. At the same time, both of them have no significant effects on the per capita productive fixed asset investment of rural households.
keywords:劳动力转移  消费  投资
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