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中文关键词:奥巴马新税政策  拓宽税基  税负公平  
The Enlightens from the Obama's New Tax Policy to the Personal Income Tax System Reform in China
XIAO Yan-hui
Law School;Hunan University;Changsha;Hunan 410082;China
Abstract:the purpose of Obama's New Tax Policy is to narrow the income gap,to Create more job opportunities,to defend the interests of low-income families. The specific measures are to tax breaks to the low-income families and to tax increases to the high-income families. The new tax policy will let the rich to be the main taxpayers. The enlightens from the New Tax Policy to our Personal Income Tax System Reform are to building the concept of letting the rich to be the main taxpayers. To reduction of social deprivat...
keywords:Obama's New Tax Policy  Broaden Tax Base  Fair Taxation  
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