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薛菁  毛程连
中文关键词:消费券  内需  影响效应  
Analysis of the Impact on Domestic Demand by Consumption Coupons
XUE Jing  MAO Cheng-lian
School of Public Economy and Management;Shanghai University of Finance and Economics;Shanghai 200433;China
Abstract:We study the impact of consumption coupons on domestic demand in the point view of consumers by sending out questionnaires to get basic data of consumers' attitude and analyzing them by means of Factor Analysis,ANOVA and Logistic Regression. We think that giving out consumption coupons has limited effect on expanding domestic demand. And increasing employment and improving social security system are still the key measurements to stimulate domestic demand in the long run while government investment is presen...
keywords:Consumption Coupons  Domestic Demand  Effect  
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