投稿时间:2007-11-02    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 2121
全文下载次数: 272
彭真善  曹伏良  李靖波
[1]湘潭大学商学院,湖南湘潭411105 [2]中南大学,湖南长沙410083 [3]湖南大学期刊社,湖南长沙410012
中文关键词:转型期  城乡收入差距  制度成因  中国  转型期  收入差距扩大  制度成因  分析  Transition  Economic  Period  Rural Areas  Urban  Income  制度变迁  计划生育政策  土地产权制度  户籍制度  金融体制  财税体制  历史成因  价格制度  优先发展战略
Institutional Genesis of Income Gap Between the Urban and Rural Areas in the Period of Economic Transition in China
PENG Zhen-shan  CAO Fu-liang  LI Jing Bo
Abstract:Income gap between the urban and rural areas has widened greatly in the period of economic transition. Income growth of the urban residents is much faster than that of the rural residents. Historically, this gap was originated because of the developing priority of heavy industry and dual price policy. The gap is enlarged mainly because of the institutional treatment difference to the urban area and rural area such as financial policy, tax policy and residential policy. Some other institutions including land property right, different birth control policy in urban and rural areas, political reform have also contributed to the enlarging of the gap.
keywords:Period of Transition  Income Gap  Urban and Rural Areas  Institutional Genesis
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